Flights to Uzbekistan to become cheaper

Category: Flights

Uzbekistan AirwaysAs per the site, in anticipation of the holidays, Uzbekistan Airways reduce tariffs for some local destinations.

Thus, the promotional rate for Tashkent-Karshi-Tashkent flight will be effective from August 26 to September 26, 2013. The price of one-way ticket is 23 Euros for foreign nationals or 65,000UZS for Uzbek residents.

In addition, the duration of the promotional rate for Tashkent-Samarkand-Tashkent flight is extended to 15 November 2013. Under this tariff the cost of one-way ticket is 16 Euros or 45,000 UZS.

The airfare in UZS may vary depending on the Central Bank of Uzbekistan exchange rate effective at the date of purchase.