Weather in Georgia

Climate in Georgia is affected by subtropical influences from the west, and Mediterranean influences from the east. The coastal areas present the warmest weather and the northern part the coldest. While the western part is hot and green, the central part of the country has few forests and steppes which often received dry winds from Azerbaijan, making it relatively cooler. Temperature in December can be as low as - 5°C in the mountainous regions and 0°C in the rest of the country, with an average of 4 °C. During the summer, the coastal region can reach up to 40 °C, while the rest of the country holds an average temperature of 32°C, with cooler areas in the mountains. Despite the hot weather in the Georgian summer, a cooler wind blows in the evenings and nights, making it pleasant to be outdoors.
The best time to visit Georgia is September and October. At this time water in the Black Sea is still warm and in the mountains the weather allows you to do trekking. Certainly, it is the period of pleasant and warm weather and harvest of autumn fruits and vegetables.