Group Tour to Mangystau

5-day Mangystau Group Tour

Set off on a magnificent jeep tour through the wonders of Mangystau, where the landscapes seem to belong to another planet. Prepare to be amazed by expansive canyons, dramatic cliffs, and uniquely shaped mountains and rocks.

Torysh, Kok-kala, Sherkala, Airakty, Karaman-ata, Ybykty, Tuzbair, Kyzylkup, Bozzhyra, Senek Dunes, Karagie Hollow

5 Days | Spring, summer, autumn | US$ 750

People of Kazakhstan

People of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan – Population and Ethnic Profile

The population of Kazakhstan has reached the number of 19 890 411 people, as per the beginning of 2024. The indigenous population of Kazakhstan are Kazakhs, which draw up 63,1% of the general population of the country.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a typical multiethnic country, where, besides Kazakhs, represented other ethnic groups, which preserve their linguistic, historical and cultural values. Among them are: Russians (23.7 %), Uzbeks (2.9%), Ukrainians (2.1%), Uyghurs (1.4%), Tatars (1.3%), German (1.1%), others (4.4%).

Kazakhstan population
Kazakhstan population
Kazakhstan population

The Republic of Kazakhstan is in the list of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, where the density of the population is just 6.3 people per square kilometer. But this average density is typical only for certain areas of Kazakhstan. Most of the territory of the republic is inhabited several times less or more densely.

Kazakhstan is also the most urbanized country in Central Asia. Urban population makes more than 60% of the total population. The most populous city of Kazakhstan is its "southern capital" - Almaty, where currently live about 2228,5 million inhabitants. Among other cities with large population are listed: Astana (1430136) and Shymkent (1222,1). In total, there are 86 cities in Kazakhstan and the greatest number of them are located in the Karaganda region (11 cities).