Shir-Kabir Mausoleum, Turkmenistan
6 km from Dekhistan lies the ancient Mashad entombment - a Muslim necropolis with the well- known mausoleum of Ali ibn Sukkari or "Shir - Kabir" in the center.
The buildings of the Shir-Kabir musoleum-mosque are related to prestigious Serakh architectural school. The w alls of the building from square mud bricks were decorated from the basis up to its dome with carved ganch with curls, leafy patterns and Kufi inscriptions, painted in dark blue, red and pistachio-green colors.
Shir-Kabir is sometimes called a mosque "on wooden columns". It is the oldest survived mosque on the territory of Turkmenistan. A unique carved mikhrab (chapel) pointed at Mecca consisting of three niches one inside the other prove that this mausoleum was mainly used as a mosque - not just a tomb.
Unfortunately, Shir-Kabir was repeatedly subject to reconstruction; its interior decor elements dated the 10th century have survived. T he interior decorations still say about former majesty and beauty. Many pilgrims who have visited this sacred place, maintained that nowhere else in the world, except for Mecca, they felt so well because th o se places had been bless ed by the Allah.