Uzbekistan to Celebrate Anniversary of the Central Asian Eparchy

Category: Religion

The Cathedral Church of Holy Dormitory, TashkentOn 11 November a solemn festive liturgy devoted to the 140-Anniversary of the Tashkent and Central Asian Eparchy will be administered in the Cathedral Church of Holy Dormitory.

Exactly 140 years ago in 1872 the first Chief Priest Sofony (Sokolsky) arrived to Tashkent to head the Tashkent Orthodox Turkestan eparchy in Tashkent.

The divine service will be participated by the arch-flamens from 13 eparchies of Central Asian and Kazakhstan counties.

On this special occasion a part of Panteleimon, the healer’s relics, the Christian great saint martyr, will be delivered to the Cathedral Church of Holy Dormitory in Tashkent by 11 November.

The Communion will be headed by Principal of the Central Asian metropolitan parish, eminent Vikenty, the metropolitan of Tashkent and Uzbekistan, reports Press-Service of the Tashkent and Uzbek Eparchy.