Group Tour to Mangystau

5-day Mangystau Group Tour

Set off on a magnificent jeep tour through the wonders of Mangystau, where the landscapes seem to belong to another planet. Prepare to be amazed by expansive canyons, dramatic cliffs, and uniquely shaped mountains and rocks.

Torysh, Kok-kala, Sherkala, Airakty, Karaman-ata, Ybykty, Tuzbair, Kyzylkup, Bozzhyra, Senek Dunes, Karagie Hollow

5 Days | Spring, summer, autumn | US$ 750

International Space School named after Chelomey

International Space School, Baikonur

There are ten schools in Baikonur, but one of them stands out as the best suited for the status of a space city. This is the International Space School named after Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey, one of the outstanding rocket scientists who developed the Proton rocket carrier, wrote dozens of scientific papers, and was one of the creators of the Soviet nuclear shield. The school was established in 1990 as a specialized educational institution where students from an early age choose a path towards professions in the space industry.

International Space School named after Chelomey has three directions: physical and mathematical, chemical and biological, and scientific and technical. In 1993, the "Cosmonautics" scientific department was opened here. The students of the school study all the basic subjects and, with each new academic year, delve deeper into the study of one of the main directions. And it's not just theoretical lessons, but also practice: for example, there is a modeling class where future designers create their prototypes of planes and rockets.

МInternational Space School, Baikonur

In addition to that, the school has its own space museum. The corridors and halls of the school are filled with numerous rocket engines, parts, and models. Of special interest are the real spacesuit and landing capsule for the "Proton" spacecraft, which did not pass the tests and became an exhibit in this remarkable school. All of this allows students to get closer to real technology and immerse themselves even deeper into the atmosphere of astronautics.

International Space School, Baikonur

The International Space School is not only a specialized educational institution but also a venue for various Olympiads, competitions, and conferences in the aerospace industry. Additionally, the school is a member of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). Students of the space school often become winners of scientific and technical competitions and championships in rocket modeling.

Over the course of 30 years of work, the International Space School named after Chelomey has produced more than 2,000 graduates, with over 95% of them being accepted into technical universities. Many of the school's students have gone on to become highly sought-after specialists in the space industry, and some have even undergone training to become cosmonauts.

International Space School, Baikonur

Visitors to Baikonur can visit this school and learn about the educational process, visit classrooms, and even launch a small training rocket assembled by the students. It is a great place to experience how a love for space is nurtured and developed from childhood!